#OxCoPALs - My Final Post
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone, It is with an extremely heavy heart that I let you know that this will be my last blog post for #OxCoPALs. Working at The Oxford Company has been everything I ever thought it could be. It...
#OxCoPALs Fall Gaubles #5 - Displaying
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone, One of the fun things about the Gaubles Project is the end result. These were designed with the idea that they could be strung up on a line and used as a garland, they make great baubles for...
#OxCoPALs Fall Gobbles #4 - Finishing
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone, We are going to be introducing a new element to the #OxCoPALs Gaubles. With this project we decided to have the whip stitching take the main stage. A year ago we posted a whip stitching tutorial...
#OxCoPALs Fall Gobbles #3 - Punching
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone, The punching of the Gaubles is very straight forward. We chose to use the fine point needle on this project to allow for more intricate patterns, especially with the Padula pattern. The Leaf and Star are very simple...
#OxCoPALs Fall Gobbles Project #2 - The Color Palettes
by Amy Oxford
Hi Everyone, This time of year, I am still desperate to hold on to summer. I keep the season clenched in my fingers, not wanting to release the easy warm days, time in the mountains, and with my kids. When...
#OxCoPALs Fall Gaubles Project #1 - Getting Started
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone, Are you excited to jump into the #OxCoPALs Gaubles project? This is a rather simple one that has been tackled in previous PALs projects, but for those who are just joining or need a refresher, I will...
#OxCoPALS Fall Project Alert!
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone! It's that time of year! The leaves have already begun to turn (they started sometime in August which is way too soon if you ask me!) which means it's time for cooler days, longer nights, and a...
#OxCoPALs Summer Oval Abstract Botanical - Final Wrap Up!
by Amy Oxford
Hi Everyone, This summer stash buster project, Oval Abstract Botanical, was such a relaxing and fun project to complete. It was fun to take colors that were not in my normal palette and create something that I really love...
#OxCoPALs Summer Stash Buster #5 - Liz
by Amy Oxford
Hi Everyone, Most people are not aware that we have added another team member here at The Oxford Company. Let me take a quick second to introduce you to Liz, who is now working with Christy to dye up...
#OxCoPALs Summer Stash Buster #4 - Christy
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone, This week it is Christy's turn to show off her beautiful #OxCoPALs Oval Abstract Botanical. Christy's is especially interesting because she received a special added challenge from Sid. He challenged her to take a color that is...
#OxCoPALs Summer Stash Buster #3 - Hannah
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone! It's my turn! Hi Everyone! It's my turn! After Cotey first drew the Oval Abstract Botanical, as with all the PALs patterns, we stood around looking at and discussing the various options of the pattern and...
#OxCoPALS Summer Stash Buster #2 - Heidi
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone, This week we are going to discuss Heidi's amazing Stash Buster project. I told you how when we each saw the pattern Cotey had designed we each visualized something different? Well, Heidi's vision is probably one of the...
#OxCoPALs Summer Stash Buster Project #1 - Cotey
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone, We are going to be diving into the Oval Abstract Botanical project and starting with our amazing pattern designer, graphic designer, and artist extraordinaire: Cotey! Cotey designed three different patterns for us to choose from for this project....
#OxCoPALs Summer New Project Alert!
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone! Summer seems like it may, finally, be in full swing here! I don't want to scare it away but the days have definitely started to get warmer and the sun is out much more than the rain. I...
#OxCoPALs Spring Box Project #6 - Final Wrap Up!
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone! I hope you have enjoyed the #OxCoPALs Spring Box project as much as we did! This was a fun one to noodle around with as we worked out the kinks of construction, pattern design, and color planning. It...
#OxCoPALs Spring Box Project #5 - You Got This!
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone! I don't know about where you are all located, but the weather here in Vermont has been spectacular! Perfect springtime sunshine and warm days. This weather was made for getting outside, whether it's working in the...
#OxCoPALs Spring Box Project #4 - Construction Time!
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone! You ready to put your #OxCoPALs Spring Boxes together? Here we go! Before you pull the project off of the frame, make sure you mix up 1:1 glue/water and paint that around on the dotted line and a...
#OxCoPALs #3 - Tracing and Punching
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone! Are you ready to get started punching these adorable #OxCoPALs Spring Catch-all or Advanced boxes? The first step is to make sure that you have your project traced up on your monk's cloth. You can easily fit one of...
#OxCo PALs Spring Box Project #2 - Designing the Boxes
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone, This week we are going to discuss the design process of the Spring Catch-all Box. We approached this differently than we have previous projects which were much more straightforward or were something that we had previously created....
#OxCo PALs Spring Box Project #1 - The Techniques We Will Focus On
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone, The Spring Catch-all Box project will focus on some really great techniques. Whether you are punching the kit or the advanced pattern, you will learn how to construct a 3-D piece that is super cute and usable. As...
#OxCoPALs Spring Project : New Project!
by Hannah Harding
Hi Everyone! I wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for the wonderful feedback that you all sent in! We took each and every comment we received under advisement and used them to tailor our new batch of...