
About our courses

“I want to thank you for an amazing course. I cannot believe how much information you packed into those sessions. I learned so much. You have restored my faith in taking courses.” - B.F.

“Great Course! So well executed!” ~ A.S.

“Your courses have been the highlight of my winter/spring.[...] I am hooked on punching and am seeing a big improvement in my stitches. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” ~ B.W.

About Teacher Certification

“Your certification class is unbelievable. I didn't realize how much I had learned until I had to present myself and the art of Oxford Punch to a store owner. [...] I felt so prepared and comfortable presenting it. I felt like I could have just walked in and taught the class today. [...] I can see where this can really take off. I just have to remember that I have a full time job for at least another 4 1/2 years. Thank you for preparing me so well.”  -- Marianne Benedict from North Berwick, Maine

About the Healing Powers of Art and Punching

"Just wanted to send a note with a heartfelt word of thanks. I am a painter and a huge advocate for the power of creativity to heal and keep us engaged and focused and feeling whole. I refer to my studio time as “my medicine,” it does me so much good.

My oldest daughter has battled depression as I did in my twenties and this past Christmas, after sending her several Instagram images that we both found pretty exciting, I sent her a punch needle kit with one of your Oxford punch needles. She has absolutely gone to town. Now she sends me images of her own pieces she’s drawn freehand and punched. She sends me laughing notes with photos of her floor strewn with yarn and scissors and cloth, and it thrills me. I just wanted to say thanks for being part of lovely healing and curious creativity. When people follow the things that fascinate them, good things happen. I’m so grateful for you and your creative drive! Thank you!"

B. H. (Full name withheld upon request.)