
Punch Needle Rug Hooking Suppliers 

 American Heirloom                                                         
 Attic Heirlooms  
*Bartlettyarns, Inc                   
*Breezy Ridge Rugs 
*Briggs & Little
 Checkmate Farm 
*D.K. Wright Construction
 The Dorr Mill Store   
 Fluff & Peachy Bean Designs
*For the Love of Wool                                   
 Green Mountain Hooked Rugs                                       
*Halcyon Yarn 
 Harry M. Fraser Co. 
 Howard Brush
*Judith Hotchkiss Designs and Dyeworks
Morgan Hoops & Stands, Inc.
*Punch Needle Rug Hooking
 Punch Needle World
*Quill & Quiver Fibers
*Ragg Tyme Studio
*Red Maple Ruggery 
*Seal Harbor Rug Company 
 Searsport Rug Hooking  
*StoryTeller Wool
 W. Cushing and Company
*Whackadoo Yarns
*Wild Hare Rug Studio
*Wild Wool Way                                               
 Wool & Goods, LLC
*Wooly Walkers

*Indicates that the company also sells yarn.

Rug Hooking Organizations

Green Mountain Rug Hooking Guild              
TIGHR, The International Guild of Handhooking Rugmakers  

Rug Repairs 

Celia Y. Oliver Textiles & Interiors 

Kris Andrews - Email for information or quotes:


Punch Needle World
Rug Hooking Magazine
Shelburne Museum
Three Pines Studio


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