Michele Mueller
Wild Hare Rug Studio
Elk Rapids, MI

Michele has always had an interest in needlework. Whether counted cross stitch, needlepoint, quilting, wool appliqué - she has tried it all! Today, having had the opportunity to train with Amy Oxford to become a Certified Oxford Punch Needle Rug Hooking Instructor, Michele is very happy to be able to offer her skills and expertise to others and inspire them to be creative. In 2013, Michele opened the Wild Hare Rug Studio in Elk Rapids, Michigan. She teaches classes, offers punch needle patterns and supplies, and rug yarn that she hand dyes herself. Michele is also available to travel to groups and organizations upon request. Please contact her for more information.
Offerings at a Glance
✅ Teaches Adults
✅ Teaches Children
✅ Travels to Teach
☐ Hosts Workshops in Home Studio
✅ Hosts Workshops in Their Shop
☐ Leads Regular Punching Group
✅ Offers Private Lessons
✅ Offers Group Classes
✅ Sells Supplies
☐ Advanced Certified Instructor
Contact Information
🌐 http://wildharerugstudio.com
✉️ punchneedleinfo@charter.net
📞 231-409-7481